Admission Arrangements
OASIS ACADEMY Connaught Reducing PAN from 60 to 30 for September 2026
Oasis Academy Connaught is an all-inclusive academy driven by a powerful ethos aspiring to treat everyone equally whilst delivering a holistic education. Our academy is part of a large family of primary, secondary and all-through academies across England.
The Schools Admissions Code 2021 sets out a requirement for all Admission Authorities to undertake statutory consultation where they propose a variation to the admissions arrangements of an academy.
The purpose of consultation is to ensure transparency and openness on the contents of a proposal and allow parents, carers and other interested stakeholders to make a representation that will be considered as part of the determination of the proposal.
Oasis Community Learning has been working with Bristol City Council and the Department for Education on the proposed changes to reduce PAN from 60 to 30.
Currently, the PAN is 60, which means that 60 students get admitted into the academy in Year R.
Our proposal is for the Oasis Academy Connaught to reduce PAN from 60 to 30.
The main benefits of this proposal are:
• Optimise staffing – reducing the PAN will allow the academy to adjust staffing levels more effectively, avoiding the challenge of spreading staff thinly across multiple underfilled classes
• Focus budget allocation – academy could redirect funding towards improving quality of teaching and learning rather than maintaining underused facilities
You can access the proposed admissions arrangements here.
Oasis_Connaught_Admission_Arrangements_2026-27 PROPOSED.pdf
Oasis Community Learning will be working closely with staff and families to ensure they are kept informed and supported throughout the project to change the admissions criteria.
Your feedback is important to us, and we welcome your views on the proposed changes. Please click on the link below to complete our survey.
Who are we consulting with?
• the local authority
• neighbouring local authorities (where a significant number of pupils travel across boundaries)
• parents of children who attend the academy
• parents in the area
• primary, secondary, AP and special schools and sixth form and FE colleges in the area (as relevant), including those in neighbouring local authority areas where relevant
• the Admissions Forum for the academy’s area, where one exists (if admissions are to be affected)
• Local members of parliament and councillors
This consultation will run from 20 December 2024 to 31 January 2025. You are invited to submit responses to OCL using this online form, which will be live on 20 December. Responses will be shared with the DfE.
Consultation Oasis Academy Connaught - Reducing PAN for September 2026 Admissions
We will be holding an information event session on 21/01/25 at 4pm in the Coffee Shop at Oasis Academy Connaught. We kindly invite you to attend should you wish to share your thoughts with us.
To view our Admission Arrangements for 2025/2026, please CLICK HERE. NOTE: Application deadlines will be posted when they have been released.
To view our Admission Arrangements for 2024/2025, please CLICK HERE. NOTE: Application deadlines will be posted when they have been released.