
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


We take pride in each and every one of our pupils at the academy, and know that they are equally proud to be wearing their academy badge on their uniforms. 

Please read this guidance, alongside the Oasis National Uniform Policy - which outlines responsibilities held by the academy, parents/carers and students. You can also access this policy through our Policies page. 


Uniform Suppliers

You can purchase non-branded uniform from local supermarkets. Please note that branded items are only available from SH Clothing and they are based at Unit 17, Barnack Trading Estate, Novers Hill, BS3 5QE.

If you wish to contact them their telephone number is 0117 963 6669, or you can visit  HOME | shclothing.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to the academy. 




White Polo 

Navy Polo 


Long Sleeve Polo Shirt




Pinafore Dress

Summer Dress


Black or Grey Trousers

Black or Grey Slim Trousers

Black Shoes

Black or Grey Shorts

Black or Grey Skirts

Black or Grey Tights



Navy T-shirt

 Black Shorts


Tracksuit Bottoms 


Black Trainers

Jewellery & Personal Belongings

Stud earrings and watches are the only permitted jewellery on site. Pupils wearing any other items, such as hoop or long earrings, rings, or bracelets will be asked to remove them. We have the following expectations when it comes to personal appearances at school. 

  • Only natural hair colours, no extreme colours
  • No tramlines in hair or eyebrows
  • Hair no shorter than a Number 2 shave
  • No facial or other piercings
  • No henna or artificial tattoos/body ink
  • No artificial/false nails or gel nails/gel colours
  • No nail varnish

Please do not send you children to the academy with personal belongings other than those required for study. Mobile phones will be confiscated and any games devices brought in for break times should be done with caution. The school accepts no responsibility for lost items. 

Physical Education

For safety reasons, all jewellery should be removed for all PE activities and long hair should be tied up. If students are unable to remove jewellery, it should be covered with tape.

Religious items

Some students may wish to wear distinctive garments for religious reasons. Religious head coverings may be worn but must be plain, as well as of an agreed colour to be fixed upon by the academy. In most cases, the standard colour would include black, navy blue or white, although exceptions may be made with the academy. Students may wear long, ankle-length skirts, instead of knee-length skirts or trousers. Students may wear long tracksuit bottoms for PE instead of shorts. No dress will be allowed that covers any part of the face from forehead to neck in the interests of safety. It is vital that the academy staff can always recognise who is in the academy.

Should parents/carers require their child to wear a specifically religious garment or symbol, they should contact the academy (i.e., the Principal) who, after consultation, will contact the parent/carer with a decision.

The wearing of religious symbols or other insignia is permitted; however, these will need to be covered. Those academies that have a zero-jewellery rule will need to balance this against any potential unintentional discrimination under the Equality Act for those students who wish to wear religious symbols.

Second hand uniform

To ensure that uniforms are accessible for everyone, we have some new and second hand items available at our community hub. Please contact them on this email address:

Uniform costs and support

The Academy takes the cost of the uniform seriously, and works hard to ensure that those items that are required can be purchased for a reasonable price that provides good value.

If any parents are concerned about the cost of uniform items, please contact the academy office so we can explore what support is available. 

If you require any further information or have difficulty purchasing school uniform, please contact the Academy Office who will be only too pleased to help you.


Hoodies are purchased by the Academy for all of our Year 6 children free of charge at the beginning of the Academic Year.  If your child requires an additional or replacement hoody, you can purchase these from School Trends.