
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Principal's Welcome

George Fraser

I would like to welcome you to Oasis Academy Connaught - a place where everyone is encouraged to be the best they can be! Oasis Academy Connaught is a proud school and Nursery in the heart of Knowle West, blessed with large grounds and recent refurbishment. Oasis Academy Connaught has a highly unique curriculum which aims to ensure all children make excellent academic progress and have a high level of engagement and challenge; enabling them to learn the skills they need to be successful.

At Connaught we offer children an exciting range of opportunities throughout their school life, including overnight camps in London, Devon and Somerset, weekly swimming, local and further afield trips, forest schools, sporting activities, music, cooking and Spanish classes.

However, not only are we a vibrant, happy school for children, we are also a hub for the whole community, providing, amongst other things: a coffee shop, toddler groups, family support and a range of adult education.

Parents are not only welcome but take an active role in leading activities within the school. We also benefit from strong links with Oasis Academy John Williams, Oasis Academy Brislington and Oasis Academy Daventry Road.